D9 Leaders At Your Service!
District IX is composed of students and advisors who are compassionate, focused, and motivated
to proudly serve all members and communities across our vast region!
to proudly serve all members and communities across our vast region!
Meet your 2024-2025 District IX Officers!
President: Coronado High School Student Representative: Carlos Hsieh Advisor: Natalie Mendoza Vice-President: Burges High School Student Representative: Sarah Ortiz Advisor: Ruth Bohlin Secretary: Northwest Early College HS Student Representative: Mia Covarrubio Advisors: Miguel A. Martinez Treasurer: El Dorado High School Student Representative: Melanie Roman Nacliff Advisor: Jacob Ramirez Parliamentarian: Bel Air High School Student Representative: Yanelly Pelayo Advisor: Sylvia McMinn Advisor Coordinator: Ana Player Montwood High School TASC Elected Advisor: James Brown Pebble Hills High School |